Yakso Seitan tartare with wild mushrooms

1 pot of Yakso seitan
Yakso coconutoil
Yakso sambal 
Yakso sweet soy sauce
Yakso shoyu
4 cloves of garlic

Mix of chestnut mushrooms/ oyster mushrooms and Portabella mushroom
4 red onions and
4 spring onions
Sesame seeds
1 lemon
2 eggs
(Spelt) breadcrumbs / whole wheat (spelt) rusks or organic breadcrumbs
Olive oil
Four seasons of pepper, mustard powder and onion powder
Pinch of sea sal

Sounds good, tastes good and you won't miss your meat, in fact you'll want to choose it more often. It just tastes like more!

1. Finely mix the seitan in a food processor. Mix the seitan in a bowl with 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 chopped red onions, the eggs, plenty of pepper, mustard powder, onion powder, a pinch of sea salt and breadcrumbs. Knead well, divide into equal units, shape into balls and flatten slightly with a ring. Drizzle with olive oil, cover with cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for a few hours

2. Brush the mushrooms clean, cut them into strips and wok them hot in coconut oil with 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 chopped red onions and coarsely chopped spring onions. Stir regularly, deglaze with lemon juice and a good dash of shoyu. Put this on a dish and finish it with shreds of parsley, dry roasted sesame seeds and a bowl of shoyu with a small dash of olive oil through it.

3. In the meantime, grill the seitan tartlets in the coconut oil over low heat with a lid on for about 5 minutes per side. Then remove the lid and repeat on a slightly higher heat for 5 minutes. Keep a close eye on it so that it does not go too fast or too slow to achieve a good hot, cooked and firm result. Very tasty to serve on a bed of watercress and finish it off by sprinkling it lightly with sweet soy sauce and red onion chips. In a word, delightful!

Ook Delicious!

Yakso crispy tempeh sweet soy sauce with orange slices