Sea vegetables with Yakso Korma


1 jar stir-fry sauce Yakso Korma
Yakso coconut oil
Yakso java chips seaweed
1 punnet or samphire
1 nori sheet
3 spring onions (coarsely chopped)
1 cup of bean sprouts
1 romanesco
Four seasons of pepper
1 tablespoon of turmeric
Dried samphire (to replace salt)


Nice weather brings you more vitamins and minerals from the sun, sea and the outdoors , and this recipe brings it to your plane. This recipe really invites you to make it yourself. I can't tell you this, you want to taste this!

Preparation method::
1. Boil the rice in water with plenty of dried samphire, pepper and turmeric.

2. Roast a nori sheet above your gas burner until it is crispy and cut it into small pieces.

3. Boil or steam the romanesco in about 10 minutes until al dente (don't let it get too soft and keep the cooking liquid)

4. Wok the spring onion, bean sprouts and samphire in a little bit of coconut oil. Stir regularly and not for too long. (the bean sprouts should remain crunchy)

5. Add the Korma sauce and let it warm up gently. Do you like more sauce and more liquid than firm? Then add a little of your reserved cooking liquid if desired.

6. Scoop up your plate with the rice, place the romanesco towers around it, the sauce with samphire in the middle. With some shreds of nori on top you can of course complete the party on your plate. Add a bowl of Java chips seaweed and 'Spray your Happy!'.’.

Tip: also very tasty with lemongrass wok sauce. Do you want glute free? Then replace the rice with our rice noodles!

Ook Delicious!

Yakso wok dish with fresh seitan